Radka found out that she’s pregnant with her second child soon after she started meeting her Odyssey mentor. After having spent her first maternity leave at home, she was sure she doesn’t want to quit working entirely. She wanted to stay with her beloved company, but ideally in a part-time assignment. But there’s an overall shortage of part-time jobs in the Czech republic (only 10 percent of all assignments are part time as opposed to 30 percent in Canada).
She went with her mentor over all possible scenarios and arrived at a perfect strategy how to create a new part-time position in her department. The strategy consisted of a plan how to announce this change to her boss, focusing on the many benefits this new situation will bring to her company. In the end, her boss accepted the plan without further discussion, even if part-time assignments weren’t at all common in his department. He wouldn’t probably feel so positive about Radka just stating that she’s pregnant. But a detailed and perfectly thought-through plan about how and when will Radka return back to work, won his trust.