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Women in Czech Sport

Mentoring program for women in Czech sport

Our commitment towards the development of a mentoring culture also continues in sports. We became a partner with the Czech Olympic Committee. Odyssey will share our knowledge and expertise in developing a successful Mentoring program for women in Czech sport

Mentors meet their mentees once per month over the period of one year. Mentors and mentees are welcome to regular interesting and inspiring networking webinars (Odyssey events).

If you are interested, please fill a mentee form (česká verze zde). Do you want to be a sport mentor? Please fill a mentor form (česká verze zde).

Connections and shared experiences can make all the difference in your career journey. That’s why we love the impact that mentorship and community can have.

What is Mentoring?

Mentoring is a giving experience by which mentors share their proficiency and expertise, and grow their mentees by building their confidence, enhancing their education and expanding their professional networks. Mentoring motivates both mentors and mentees to develop interpersonal and professional skills.

The mentors are successful and widely respected business leaders who are CEOs or senior executives, coaches, sport professionals who are willing to share skills, knowledge and expertise and act as a positive role model.

/English forms/

/přihlášky v češtině/

Odyssey is a non profit Society established pursuant to Section 214 et seq. of Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code, for the pursuit of educational purposes.
Created by Odyssey, z.s.
Website Design B. R.
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