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Suri Sanjiv

When I came to Prague for the first time in the beginning of 90’s, it charmed me immediately. But st the same time it was evident, that the sphere of gastronomy as well as of other services here are in their infancy. I decided to change that and I opened my first restaurant – Zátiší Wine house. Since then, the company has grown and prospered. There are now four restaurants and a catering service in the Zátiší group and I consider Czech republic to be my home. My biggest luck in life are my four children – Virat, Jacqueline, Shaan and Jasmine and of course my wife and their mother Markéta.

Odyssey is a non profit Society established pursuant to Section 214 et seq. of Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code, for the pursuit of educational purposes.
Created by Odyssey, z.s.
Website Design B. R.
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